Monday, September 15, 2008

Meeting his sons for the first time in 2000...

Two weeks before Christmas, I flew to the US to be with him and was eagerly looking forward to meeting his 3 boys for the first time.

Come a week closer to Christmas, Gene received a call from his ex-wife citing that she wanted them to spend Christmas at her place with her husband and his family side. We could have the boys over for the New Year's.

I could see that Gene was very disappointed so crest fallen because Christmas holds a very special meaning to him, he loves Christmas and would very much wanted the boys to spend it with him as Christmas time is always a magical time for him and his boys, and for this year, an additional member is to spend Christmas with them, that is me.

I told him not to feel down, the boys are coming over to visit us for New Year's. He nodded his head, numbed with emotions. He said I could meet the boys in person and also meet his ex-wife, because she is going to meet him halfways for him to pick the boys up. He asked me to come with him to pick the boys up. I said "cool, ok"

I went with him with an open heart and mind as I have never met and fallen in love with a person with family (my future extended family?) to meet the boys and his ex-wife.

When we have reached our meeting point, I was not prepared and was surprised by the cold and frosty reception when she, plus her mother met me. He introduced me to her. Her name is Marie and her mother is Cleo. She and her mother stared at me and she said "um, hi...this is my mother, she wanted to come with me to meet you." Hmmm, I thought, how odd, how strange...are they trying to "size me up" or comparing whose better than whom? Such childish behavior I thought. At the same time, I must not think this way also, but my suspicion got the better of me.

I said nothing, acted all plastic like to them and said "hi" in a monotone, instantly, I do not like both of them. Her mother said that they had an asian maid in Japan when her hubby was based in Okinawa. I told them that there is a difference, I am a Chinese not a Japanese. But, I could speak the Japanese language.
They both probably thought that ALL ASIANS are BORN TO SERVE, hahaha..NOT!!! Stupid morons they

The mother shut her big mouth and Marie was giving me the "evil eye"

Marie then said "so, you speak excellent English, are you a college graduate?" I said " yes, I am an Honors Graduate in Mass Communication as I believe Education is very important, one is never old to continue learning and better themselves"

Haha, at the corner of my eye I could see her mother's turn she rolled her eyes and looked at Marie like "yayaya, sooo...big deal..." look.

Gene ignored them completely, and quickly introduced me to his 3 boys, Ray, Robbie and Gene Jr to me. They look at me curiously, Robbie and G. Jr. both said "hi" and appeared shy. However, the eldest, whose demeanor is so very much like his mother, Marie. Wow the apple does not fall from the tree, I thought to myself and I was secretly amused.

He walked up boldly to me and asked "Are you an Industrial Spy?" "Is the country S. in China?"

Marie and her mother smirked at me. I calmly told him "Ray, not all Chinese are from China, S is a country on her own, not in China, and No, I am definitely Not an Industrial Spy".

I am flabbergasted and appalled at such behavior, is this typical of people like that? Ignorance and Arrogance? Or was Marie very intimidated by my overall appearence, my prescense?

So I said nothing. Gene noticed that I was fuming silently and waited to talk to me when we all got back into the apartment.

Ray kept glaring at me in the rearview mirror on the way back to his father's apartment. I got on well with the younger two boys, but not with him. He is a very angry person, sullen, and acted very rude to me. I felt bad for Gene, as I could see he was exasperated and embarrassed for Ray.

I told Gene, "Babe, its no biggie, kids are like that, they dont know me, so I dont expect them to behave otherwise." Personally, I think this is their mother's fault. She obviously has no class, no tact and was rude and ignorant too, so the kids have that type/kind of upbringing. What do one expect, right?

Trailer Trash material know what I mean?

So that was my first meeting with the boys, naaah, went ok, except with Ray.

This will be a life long challenge if I am to married Gene and "inherit" the 3 boys, I love a challenge, but was I prepared for an emotional challenge, later, I was to discover that it also included financial challenge. This is a serious decision, that could affect my life forever.

Am I prepared to do this?? Am I sane, patient or even tolerant enough to overcome these kinds of emotional upheavals, battles??? Will see....

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