Wednesday, September 10, 2008

About these two bozos that I am so very peeved about! Grrr...

If you come across my blog and discover that an angry log entry - please know that I am spending some time penning my thoughts and frustrations about a certain person - fact, there are two persons concerned, whom I detest the most, and wished they would disappear on the face of the earth...imagine my anger, frustrations, aggravations, the list is endless since the begining the year of 2000, when I was introduced to them.

I firmly believe that the first impression shows the truth being of one self. My first impression of these two people were questionable and unfavorable. Imagine being stared upon as if I was a speck of dust, an irritating virus, under a microscope, coupled with disapproving stares, it was not a polite first meeting. Not polite stares I must add, just rude cold stares.

Flanked by jealousy and the feelings of being intimidated when they met me. Why? I wonder? Did they disapproved of my features, my education, my background, my upbringing. or are they being pretencious bigots, yes, bigotry still lives to this day and age, it goes with the word, "racists" because of my race?

Obviously, there are frictions between people from the city (me) and people from the countryside (them). I refused to believe that all countryside folks are ignorant, uneducated with a baffon mentality. I dont think all of them are like that. Like us, not all city folks are arrogant, obnoxious, educated nerds or snooty minded. Hey, no stereotyping, please!

I have never been so miffed and agitated with these two individuals. They have been a sore thorn on my butt forever and Really, I am not angry anymore, I have surpassed that stage already, in fact, I feel sorry for these two pathethic persons and how they live with such negativity around them.

Why I waited till now to start a blog of how I feel? I dont know *shrugs* Perhaps, I felt that after eight years have passed, this will be the right occasion to start a blog?

Will write more later...the saga continues... Thanks for stopping by! :)

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