Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Its all about Marie!

Marie R. turned 38 years old on September 7th 2008. She is a very insecure, insanely jealous and a very manipulative person. How would a person possessed these bad qualities? Had she been like this person at a young age? A teenage high school drop out, she smoked, partied hard with her friends, whose not interested to persue further her education. She believes in falling in love with a Prince Charming, and could support her so that she dont have to work and she could stay at home.

She hates to work, does not know how to cook a decent meal. Does not know how to sew, hates doing the laundry and housework. So what does she like then? If she does not like any of these chores? She only likes to gossip, sleep a lot and has a compulsive eating disorder.

Gene said that she called him every day and every night professing her deep inner love for him, hers was the real true love for him. She told him to leave his girlfriend for her, because she is "the one" for him, and no one else is as better as she is.

When he told me about this, I thought what an narcissitic person, selfish, self absorbed, inconsiderate, heartless, self centred personality. She should be a creature, instead of a human being. Telling him to break off with his girlfriend because she wants so very much to be his girlfriend, with the hope of being his future wife, is very callous and cruel.

She told him on the phone that she is hopelessly devoted and falling in love with him big time and wants so badly to have his child...gosh, heheeh she must be Miss Desparado El' Cheapo of the century.

The other girlfriend that Gene was dating was more beautiful than she is, a blonde with beautiful cornflower blue eyes. And, SHE, OMG, must have fallen from some "Ugly Tree" a plain Jane, brunette with brown eyes.

Gene broke off with his girlfriend, told her that he has been seeing someone else named Marie.

Any men would be deeply flattened that a woman is doing ALL the chasings...oh, flattery, or, was it down right being a cheap ol Sl**? I think it is the latter. Have some class, woman! tsk tsk tsk...:)

She lied when they were intimate that she was "safe" on the "pill" not to worry. Gene told me that she called one night and told him that she was pregnant with his child. Was it a trap, I asked Gene. He said "Who knows? Only she with the motive and plans to make this happen, knows.

Its too late because Gene has fallen already for her sweet nothings and her pampering him, calling him daily to tell him how much she loves him and will die if they are never together, and this is the right time to get married because she has his child.

The wedding was set and they got married. She was already 3 months pregnant with Ray when they married. She wore a white wedding gown, a fairytale wedding which was what she wanted so very much. She had a pink evening gown too. She wanted wedding ring with lots of bling. Gene bought her a two carat diamond marquise ring, encrusted with tiny diamontes around the ring.

Whatever Princess Marie wanted, Gene will grant her wishes, every whims and fancy until the point of running in debt. If not, she would scream, cry and threatened and saying stuff that he must not love her enough, because he is not doing the things that she wants him to do.

Yes, with a job at the navy, 21 years old, and she was 18 years old at the legal age to marry him. Struggling with another job, which was a pizza delivery driver in the evenings to meet ends meet.

What she wanted - was for him to come back home from work, make dinner for the boys and her, clean the house, do the laundry. Be her "beck and call guy"

She would sleep in late, complaining endlessly about she is not feeling well, and was not in the mood to do housework, she kept saying that "ITS BORING!" Taking care of Ray enough to cause her to be moody, temperamental, nasty temper tantrums, and being a negative and a depressive person.

Four years passed, she gave birth to Robbie and the following year Gene Jr. No more sweet and affectionate Marie, her true colors came through. Gene saw her ugliness for the first time.

She would moan and groan and complained, whined and gets into crying fits if things dont go her way, and acted like a baby! More like a spoilt brat was what I thought.

Gene has navy postings abroad..he has to travel for duty.

She would send him letters telling him that she misses him, the boys miss him and asked him to behave, question him about whether he is seeing women abroad, come back to her. He, too, wrote back, a faithfull, a loving husband always to her and a great dad to his three boys.

He came back from his trips, he would buy them gifts from Japan, or in Spain, etc. The boys loved the gifts but never her, she would just sulked and mumbled, "um, thanks babe"

Then comes the relocating to various naval base locations, whereby she and the boys have to move. She hated to pack and unpack. Luckily for her, the naval arranged the movers to do it all, including the unpacking too, for her.

Lazy as a Slug, she imparts her lazy, lying, trying to avoid cleaning ways to her sons, that the eldest one Ray, has the same traits and similar mannerisms and behavior like her, scary as it would seem, very uncanny resemblence, right to the core!

The second son has her lazy trait too and poor personal hygiene. He hates to take baths and can go without bathing for two weeks!!!! He does not brush his teeth regularly, Gene Jr. forgets to brush his teeth at times, takes daily baths because he has a bed wetting problem. Gene Jr. has a very nasty temper, and an avid video games fan/addict, the only bad thing is he throws his video peripheral when he lose a game. He is into the game literally, when he loses, he gets really mad and starts to throw and destroy the equipment.

Gene said that he cant do anything or even deciplined the boys consistently, how to, when they are living with their mother in the next state.

I commented to Gene - Kudos to her for doing a great job "poisoning and brain washed" the boys. She wants them to turn against me and Gene, more so on me, because I am a threat to her...huh what? She dumped Gene in the first place for that Jerk in 1995, and I met Gene in 1999, there's no link and I am certainly NOT THE THIRD PARTY, or a HOME WRECKER...hahah she IS A HOME WRECKER though...

Hahaha, the next interesting part - I asked Gene what happened between him and Marie, who initiated the divorce? He said it was Marie who wanted out of the marriage fast, they have been only married for seven years. He proceeded to explain why and that happened when he was on duty in Spain.

He came back home and noticed that she has been crying, he asked her why...she gulped and in between sobs, she told him that she had an affair with a fellow navy comrade for 6 months while Gene was away at work, and wants a quick divorce so that she could marry him as soon as possible.

Gene was shocked, stunned, that immediately replaced by anger. They both shouted, she was crying so much. Gene was so also upset that she wants to divorce him, and take the boys with her to be with this other man. He threw his wedding ring on the floor.

He told her that if she wants it so badly to be with the other man, then so be it.
She said he called, and she wants to see him badly. Gene told her that she can go and see him..leave the boys with him that night.

Ray, was 6 years old at the time, has seen what has happened, and he was visibly upset to see his parents arguing and his mother crying. He could not understand why daddy threw the wedding ring on the floor. He ran to pick the ring up and asked his dad why he threw the wedding ring on the floor.

When Marie rushed to see her lover. Gene sat the boys down and explained to what has happened and that they will be staying with her from now on, with visits to see him.

The very next afternoon, she moved her belongings out of the apartment, took the boys with her, and drove off to stay at his place.

I was curious about this guy that she has an affair with. Was it a fling or was it for real? Gene said it was for real, was not a fling at all.

This other guy, who is he? Gene said he works in the next division to him, apparently knew him, an older guy, who had befriended him and her, so in the end he bionked her! This other guy was a married man, with two young children, a boy and a girl, he was not divorced yet, but he and his wife, Crystal, were staying apart from each other for two years already.

Marie felt guilty and was worried and scared that Gene was still mad at her. Gene told her that he is not mad at her anymore, extremely disappointed in her, and sad that the boys are away from him.

She said she will work something out, so that he could have visitations to see the boys, and told Gene that he will receive divorce documents from her and she wants him not to contest, just signed, so that she can proceed to marry this man (aka Jerk to me, hehe:)

The following weekend, Gene participated in a friendly volleyball tournament with his fellow naval comrades, he did not see a stone near where he jumped to hit the ball back, he fell at a funny angle and broke his left knees, in three areas.

Gene remembered that it was an excrutiating pain and he almost blacked out. He was brought to the hospital to have his knee repaired. He took so many painkillers to numb the pain. The painkiller did the job, however, it made Gene depressed. He sat on the hospital bed, with a busted knee, he did not have anyone, meaning, a family member, to come, visit and bring him home.

Four weeks in the hospital, his knee was mending well, with cast, and a pair of crutches, Gene could move a little bit. It was an improvement. The doctor said he can be discharged by Friday.

Gene was happy that he can go home this Friday, he was trying to get one of his fellow naval comrade to ask for a ride back home for Friday, and his comrade said "No problem, see you this Friday."

Thursday evening, after dinner, he started to pack his clothes, slowly but surely, he managed to pack all of his belongings. Luckily for him, the nurse had earlier helped him to collect his stuff and placed them by the visitor chair, for him to get to them easily.

Guess who came in the room? Marie - stoic and cold, she brought the divorce papers and told Gene to sign it. He said he was recovering and whether she could wait until he gets home and sign the divroce papers this weekend. She said "NO" and insisted that he sign it there and then so that she can get on her way to Florida, without any further delays, to start her new life with this other man aka the Jerk!

She was a crafty, a compulsive lier, and a malicious person, very heartless and cold, crazy about money, money faced b****The divorce proceeding was held in Florida which was a "NO FAULT" state for "committed adultery" So in the end, she got what she wanted and treated Gene like he was a LOSER and yesterday old news/garbage.

That was the type of person she REALLY is, before, now and forever. She is an EXPERT in MIND GAMES.

What was that song sung by the famous Paula Abdul the lyrics goes like this - "She's a cold hearted snake..." Yup, that she still is!

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