Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Getting To Know the Boys better

From the years of 2000 onwards, during school breaks, the boys would come over to stay with us. They have spring break, summer break, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays.

Most stays are short, whereas, summer is about one to two months, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's about 2 weeks or so.

Summer time is the best time to get to know them, because they stay with me and Gene the longest, and I get to see their true colors.

Ray, as always, would give me the most problem, rude and stubborn, indiffent all the time. Robbie and Gene Jr are easier to get along, although, at times, it could be daunting. Robbie is a picky eater, he would make comments about my food, and he hates to eat vegetables, he would say "YUCKS" "GROSS" "I AM NOT GOING TO EAT IT"

Ray TOPS the list for being the baddest!

I do understand that the boys are having a difficult time adjusting to the fact that their parents are no longer together for good since 1995, and especially, Ray secretly would very much want their mother to come back to their father. And I know he is trying to get me perturbed and annoyed so that I would leave his dad.

It was a trying time for me as if I am walking on egg shells, being their Daddy's new girlfriend.

Marie would call often at the apartment to check in with the boys to see how they were doing. The boys would take turns to talk to her on the phone "reporting" to her what they had for breakfast, lunch and dinner and what games are they playing on the computer, etc. She asked the boys about me. I often wondered what they told her about me and stuff.

One time she called, the phone line was so bad that Robbie decided to put to speaker. Marie, did not realized that she was on speaker, in a condescending tone asked Robbie "how is she (meaning me) doing, hahah, you know...your Nanny?"

Robbie quickly turned off the speaker phone only then she realized that I heard what she said to Robbie about me being "The Nanny" First word, that came to my mind was "that bloody spiteful little fat b**ch!!! Yeah she is one short stumpy one with me towering over her, she hates that and she hates the way I looked and everything that is ASSOCIATED with her ex's girlfriend.

You know, if someone, who does not know me or her personally, would probably mistaken and thought I "broke" her marriage with Gene, that warranted her deep hatred for me, hahah, if only that someone would know the REAL TRUTH....

I am innocent and she is guilty in the highest order, committed adultery, told lies to her sons, to get them to be on her side, and told them that I made her feel demeaned and stupid, and she is so upset about it.

There are women who dumped their husbands, committed affairs, and yet do not want their exes to be happy with someone else. She wants to have that control over Gene, even after been divorced from him for so long.

She wants him tormented, sad, with no one for him.

Gene and I feel that it was time for us to take our relationship to another level...when she learnt this from Ray, who is her main spy, she was surprised but very unhappy...stay tuned on what she and Ray did to us in my next blog entry.

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