Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Brief Separation ...*sighs and sobs*

In my previous blog, I mentioned that Marie and Ray conspired to find ways to get rid of me...well, there was one particular incident, that I should give an Oscar Performance to Ray for being the best actor.

Gene, loves his sons a great deal, he thinks he knows them because they are his flesh and blood. Since I spent a great deal of time with them, in fact, full time, when they stay with us during their school breaks. Ray, gets very rude, when I tried to talk to him...he would not answer me, just gave me a "your nobody nothing look" and ignored me completely.

As for Robbie and Gene Jr. they are not brazen enough to behave badly towards me, except for him. He thinks he can talk to me anyways he like when he feels like being rude. I was very mad at him for being so rude, he even told me to "shut up, you dont know what your talking about, you dont know anything!!!"

I expect respects and good manners from these boys, Robbie and Gene Jr, are alright with me, but WHY cant Ray accord the same courtesy to me??? I am preplexed by his odd ball behavior.

When Gene comes here from work, Ray would act like a sweet boy, nice to me and all. So when I told Gene what has happened in the afternoon, Gene was saying that I over reacted, end of discussion.

It went bad, Ray knows that I am a neat freak, he refused to pick his dirty clothes that were strewn on the floor in his bedroom, the clothes were piled high and his room stunk, the stench of was terrible.

He will give me a dead pan look on his face like he does not understand what I said to him.

I was mad and told him to stop acting like an ass. He grabbed the clothes, stormed past me and slammed the dirty clothes into the laundry bag. Gave an angry grunt, walked back his bedroom and slammed the door.

Robbie and Gene Jr, knew that I was really mad at Ray, they kept quiet and walked away to the living room.

It took me a while to calm down, and I walked to the living room and decided to give Gene a call. Told him about what has happened with me and Ray.

Gene rushed back home about 3pm, knocked on Ray's bedroom door, Ray opened the bedroom door, his eyes were red from "crying"...Gene give me that look like "see what you have done to my son?"

I was flabbergasted, and was frustrated that Gene did not believe me, even if he did? Why did he not take my side, instead, he went to comfort Ray, and said that "Ms Moonie did not mean to get so mad at you." Whaaaat?????

Whaaaat?????!!!! What did that wretched boy said to evoke sympathy from his dad? He probably told his dad that I "yelled" at him being "mean to him, treated him like dirt, etc" yeah, something along those lines.

After twenty minutes has passed, Gene came out of the room, visibly upset at me, not at Ray...I could see Ray in his bedroom, smirked at me "yeah your in big trouble, Ms Moonie! haha" look.

Many more incidents of this nature between me and Ray. Oh, by the way, he called his mother right after we had our big "tiff" and told her the "sob story" blaming me.

Well she called me, apparently, unhappy and told me that I had no right to speak to her son like that, it is downright disrespectful to him. Wow that FB had the nerve to LECTURE me, and then she slammed the phone down, now whose being rude and disrespectful???!!

I told Gene that I have HAD ENOUGH of this mind playing games by Ray, and his mother,
if they want me to break the relationship off, then they got their wish now.

I got my luggage, called for the cab to bring me to the airport. This time, I cried, because Gene and I were doing so well, then Ray and Marie, did their deed and got their wish.

Gene tried to get me to stay, I told him that I still love him, and I am so sorry that I cant take this insane manipulations and emotional matches with Ray and Marie. I told Gene that would make them very happy and truimphant that they got rid of me.

When I got home, Gene left a lot of messages, telling me that he is also sorry, that things went so bad with Ray and Marie, and wants me to call him back as soon as possible. He also left so many emails in my inbox.

I sat in the dark, thinking is this WHAT I REALLY WANT??? I WANT TO STAY AWAY..DO I REALLY WANT TO DEAL WITH MARIE AND RAY FOREVER???? I was weighing the pros and cons of our relationship.

With a heavy heart and a huge sigh - I called Gene back. He was so relieved and happy to hear from me. He tried explaining to me about Marie and Ray, and why they have been so hostile to me. I stopped him and said that "I dont want to hear about them, I want to hear about how you are doing?" He said "not so good, cuz I am missing you and I am so sorry that it turned out this way."

I said "forget it, Gene, although, i was peeved that you did not take my side, not once, but a few times already, they were the truth, and Ray made you think otherwise on many occasions.."

I told Gene that I still love him and miss him sorely and wished things could be different, but I told that I needed time to think and need to clear my head, and need at least 6 months to think...there was a dead silence on the phone he echoed "6 months..?" sighs..I said "yuup" then he said "ok, babe"

SIX dreadful months...seems like eternity...

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