Friday, July 31, 2009

Its Been A While, Hasn't It?!!!!:)

Well, well, many months have passed, so many the usual crap have passed too...hahah...really nothing new with the bitch and her children!!!!!

As usual her sons will come to visit us during their school breaks, SUMMER is NO EXCEPTION! The longest, most dreaded stay of all the visits!!!! *groans* Suuuure, I don't mind if they are so helpful and adapting a good attitude, being co-operative and all, but noooooo....they treated our home like a hotel here. Not lifting their fingers, volunteering nor offering to help.

The first thing of the day, no greetings of "Good Morning", or whatsoever, yes no manners, ill breeding from the FB, headed straight for our computers and proceeded to play computer games. The other child will hogged the tv from day to night's end, sitting there, eating, drinking, making a big sheer mess on the floor, food crumbs, drinks split on the floor.

The two of them, combined, not eat to live, but LIVE to EAT! With their mouths opened, when they chewed, resembling cows chewing curd in the field, like mother like sons! Its disgusting!!!

One day, while passing by the common bathroom, I noticed and smelled a stench undescribable, yessss...lots of poop floated in and about the toilet bowl. I gagged and nearly vormitted! Obviously one of the two boys, have forgotten to flush the toilet!

I was so mad, I asked the two of them, the youngest one, did not even offer to apologize for that, he said he had difficulty in sleeping one night and was too sleepy to realize that he has forgotten to flush the toilet! WTF! I was really pissed! Remember - NO APOLOGY - Just an EXCUSE.

When they left last weekend, good riddance and finally...I can get some decent rest...and peace and quiet....and also having to cleaning up their mess that they left behind!

Apparently, someone, most likely, the youngest child, must have cut his hair and toss the hair bits into the top of his bed odd and strange, when I discovered pieces of cut hair there.

They, again, have forgotten to pack some of their stuff left behind again! Despite the several reminders from me and their dad, Gene.

Today, their mom, the FB, called asking for "extra $$$" again citing that she needed $$$ for the second eldest son's tuition for college. She did not elaborate further about this subject matter. Whether she lied to extort extra money or not...only GOD knows, and hopefully, will punish her for it.

From DAY ONE till present - she has NEVER EVER given us child support for the boys' summer stay here, only summertime period, they can stay from 1-2 months, imagine the expenses???!!!!

That mother of theirs aka FB (Fat Bitch) has never cooked a decent meal for her kids, the reason why I know this - is when they come here to stay with us, they get very TERRITORIAL on food, they set bounderies and they get aggressive when that I cooked "insufficent," which is BS to me, because I cooked hefty for these "hungry ghosts" whenever they come to live with us during school breaks.

They behaved like unruly animals, as if they have not eaten for the past 10-20 years, for this latest visit, I noticed that they have changed for the worst instead for the better. Obviously, something must have happened really bad at their own house, for them to behave this way when they stayed here.

Should I call Child Protection Services on this FB or not? Obviously lack of cooking and neglect on these two boys is an offense right?

Think about it - it warrants me to see RED with anger when the boys have been ill treated that way, for a long time there, I bet - hence the reasons why they behaved like that when they stayed with us this summer.

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