Thursday, September 11, 2008

From the Begining....

Let me take you back from the begining....I was originally from South East Asia part of the world, with loving parents, a younger sibling and a successful career. I was the modern asian gal, trend setter, has travelled all over the world, for business and for R & R.

My parents bugged me all the time about settling down...I said "WHAAAT, settling down and do what?!" I have "come of age", 35 years old to be exact, in asian context, I am labelled "an old hag" passed my prime time.

No way, was I going to settle down, I had too much going in my life, my career, my freedom...I could not see myself being tied down in marriage, have kids and be a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom). Besides, I told myself, "Who would want to settle down with "An Old Hag":)

Lo and night when I was at home, working on my computer, I had a PR report that I had to finish, a pop out chat box appeared on my screen and said "hi" You see, I have installed ICQ, Pow Wow, MSN and Yahoo chat messengers so that I could talk to my friends and business aquaintances locally and abroad, I opened my chat box and ask "Hi, who are you?"

"I am Gene from the US, is this Sunny Flower from S? " and I said "Yes, this is she, howzit going in the US?" We continue to chat for a little bit, he seemed like an interesting person to know. And I even surprised myself by saying "let's chat tomorrow same time, ok?" He said "Sounds good!"

Dont try to decipher folks on the names and which place, details are kept private and protected:)

Months passed, we have grown close on cyber space...hahah...we kept each other informed about our events, work and our plans...Imagine that, me...looking forward to chatting with him.

We set a date to meet in person, I was intrigued and more so curious as so was set October 18th 1999...I had a vacation with a best gal pal, Peng, we planned to fly to Vancouver, Canada, to visit her brother and his family and stayed with them. It was fun meeting her family, spent a week there with her..and then fly down to see him.

First time meeting, just as what I have imagined. One has to see it in person, than in know how it is when your chatting with people at chat sites...they could put fake pictures. But this was not the case, he sent his true pics and he's real ..:)

We talked like best pals over dinner at a mexican restaurant. When we got back to his apartment where I stayed for two weeks of visit. We talked, hugged and the rest is shhhh *censored*

When I came back to S, I was thinking about him. He called like he said he would, yeah, long distanced call from the US to me, to tell me that he miss me sorely and tells me that he loves me.
We talked on the phone for hours, long distanced, on a weekly basis, until our phone bills cost were gastronomical!!!! We emailed each other daily.

We arranged for me to fly there to visit him again and spent Christmas and New Year's with him and his sons.

The story continues......


Reza said...

hi, your story sounds realy interesting ,go on please!

***Moonie Hates Jazz*** said...

Thanks, Reza, for your kind compliments!

This story is based on my real like experience. Only the actual characters' names have changed to protect their privacy.
