Monday, September 22, 2008

The two Creatures "at work and at their best"!:) And, Ray's stupid act!

"More Dramas to Come" was my last post...hahaha, true enough, the two Creatures, Marie and Ray, are at work and at their best to snub me, which I could not care less, and did their best and at present still doing their best, to aggravate me...I am so happy to report that their tactics failed miserably, which got them even more angrier...hahaha, in short, their bad deeds towards me have backfired! LOL

I could not contained myself from laughing so hard...these two smucks are really moronic in their mentality and how they think...I wont be surprised if there aren't really brains in their heads but more of "empty car parking lots" *snickerings*

Gene was exasperated at these two, he is not surprised about Marie pulling stunts like these to me, however, he was so disappointed that his eldest son, Ray, also joined his mother. Whaaaat? The force of two...oh pullleessse, what morons!

The mother is so childish in her ways, self centred and a spoilt brat, its no wonder, the eldest son, is carrying her legacies! The reasons why I am so very certain, because I am pretty good in my predictions. She expects me to kowtow to her, and her son is also the same like her, I have to accommodate these two all the as it that they are GOD's gifts to the human race! Downright selfish, self centred, narcissistic, and definitely inconsiderate are more like it! Ridiculous!

Gene has repeated told her should there by anything concerning about the boys' development and progress, she can talk to him about it, other than that, he does not want to talk to her. He said, if he is busy at work, dont bother to call him there, she has a habit of calling him at the office for and about everything, like "Oh, can I have the child support money now, instead of Friday? Cuz, I am broke now, dont have the money to "feed" the boys"...hummm, yeah right! Things could wait until Gene gets home from work.

One day, she called at the apartment, as usual, did not address me on the phone, as if I have no name..."hey, I cant get Gene at the office, can you remind him to put money in the bank for me, alright, bye" Not even a word of "thanks".

When Gene came home and told me that Marie has left many messages at work, he was busy and could not call her back, and asked me what she had wanted, I told him that she called at the apartment, and sounded annoyed that she could not locate him.

Gene shrugged and I asked him why can't she even called me at the apartment, she can let me know, it is not a MAJOR CATASTROPHE like she is going to keel any minute? Hmmmm...that woman, needs to have her head examined. Same goes for her eldest son, Ray...I think he inherited MOST of her personality and demeanor. You know, if Ray wanted to and he is strong minded not weak minded and "spineless" he can change his outlook in life, improve himself, be different than her. Like Marie, Ray loves to blame on others, never himself, because he is PERFECT, he is full of EXCUSES, but never on SOLUTIONS, he is so RESISTANT to CHANGES, LAZY...thanks to his mother for her so called upbringing.

He is now 19 years old, an adult, with no sense of direction on what he wants to do with his life. I spent several late nights and early mornings, helped him to apply jobs for him online, emailed for him. Even make him go for interviews.

Something happened earlier this year, he could not stay at his college dorm because his stupid mother has forgotten to file in the papers for him for the begining of the year 2008 semester, she also forgot to apply for additional financial aid assistance for his new semester.

So Gene had arranged for him to stay with Gene's eldest sister temporary for 4 months, and in the meantime, find a job to get himself occupied until the summer semester, by then, the papers submitted by his scatter-brained mother, would be processed and ready for him to start school.

I don't understand her - how come she did not messed up her stepson's paperwork for his college semesters. She has two stepchildren from the Jerk, a boy and a girl.

We called Ray, and he gave us the impression all is ok, and he is making a point to look for jobs during this period. OK thats good...then one night, Gene's sister called, sounded upset, was livid and crying hysterically on the phone. She was practically screaming at Gene when she told Gene that her son, Donny and Ray got arrested by the cops for possesion of controlled substance.

Oh sh**!!!, why did Ray do such a stupid thing like that??!!! Gene tried to pacify his sister, she was so mad on the phone, she said she wants Ray out of her house, and told Gene to come and get him.

Gene had no choice, but to take urgent leave to get Ray, collected all of his belongings, had to leave Gene's other spare car, which is Ray's now at his sister's place, because when Ray moved out of our place, he thrashed the car up and there was a hole in the carborater. Ray was supposed to get it fixed in the fist place, he did not bother to do it.

We have since relocated to another state and living in a house, not an apartment now, I have prepared his room up for him. Gene and I bought new furniture and a new queen sized bedroom suite for Ray.

Ray, with his head down as he entered our house, did not say anything, looked depressed, and at the same time, ignored eye contact with me.

My mother in law, Gene's mother called up. She was mad and upset at Ray too. She said that Ray did nothing to help with chores at the house, only slept all the time, did not wake up to make an effort to find a job. He prefers to hangout with bad company and got her grandson, Donny, into trouble too.

Ray showed us his two tickets, he has to appear 2 different courts on different locations and timings. For possession of marajuana and speeding ticket plus possession of marajuana.... What?!!! He has not committed once, but TWICE. He smoked pot, marajuana, drink beer, alchohol, take alchol shots, cigarettes.

When Gene confonted him and asked him why? He said he wanted to try, because his friends dared him to, so he did it...He even have the cheek to say to us that it is not a big deal at all. We cant say anything about it, because he said that he is an adult, and we have no say. In my opinion, that boy needs to be smacked hard up side his head and a big kick in the butt.

The next few months of his stay was pure hell for me and for his father. He was acting up, behaving bad and lazy most of the time. Not helping me around the house.
All he does is EAT, EAT, EAT, WATCH TV the WHOLE DAY, SLEEP ALMOST THE WHOLE DAY, SLEEPS PAST 2AM AT NIGHTS/WEE MORNINGS. He can't be bothered to even bring his dirty clothes to the laundry room, he leaves them in a heap, in the bedroom, we have to tell him to do it.

That boy EATS foods enough and meant for 6 persons! And drinks about 8 cans of soda daily, drinks two tall glasses of milk, and eat desserts. He hoardes food in his mini fridge in his room. He has a jar of pickles in his mini fridge. We have to buy his sodas and snacks for his mini fridge.

He stuffed his face all the time and round the clock.

The only "talents" that boy has is EAT, SLEEP and SH**! Thats all he is good for. He is like a slug, a leech, a moocher and a couch commando. He has a habit of digging his ears to get the ear wax out of his eyes and wiped them on our new furniture. Caught him off doing that. Disgusting!

Told my best friend, Florence, about it she was mad at him and called him a "bastard".

We had to badger him into going out and finding a job. He is so very lazy. By then, Gene got his other car fixed and Ray could use the car to look for jobs. Ray has a habit of dragging the situation, told him to do it now, go for the interview, he will pushed it and said "I will go tomorrow" "Tomorrow" came, nothing, zilch...Ray was still sleeping and snoring in his room!

Luckily for him, I am only his step parent, if I am his biological mom, he will be thrown out of the house, to fend for himself, or, I will put him in a Rehabilitation Centre for drug and smoking addicts. I blamed Marie for her poor upbringing.

Over late nights and early mornings, I helped him to apply for jobs online. Called Hiring Companies to find out jobs for him. Why can't he get up his fat lazy ass to do all these, just too lazy, instead of me doing all the work for him. I am looking for a job, he is!

I pity Gene that he has such an ass for a son. Ray is 19 years old, has no idea what he wants to do or what he could do. Good for nothing comes to my mind. He have been acting beligerent to us, defensive, reminding us that he is old enough and he KNOWS he is doing, yeeeeeah riiiight, dumb ass! (Well, Excuuuuuse me, Ray, your telling us to butt out of your life, sure fine, if you want us to...the next time you screwed up, don't call us okay?! Call your stupid mother, you evil ungrateful child.)

In America, parents can't really "control" their children anymore. Children are considered old enough to make their own decisions. Obviously, this dummy can't make his own decisions, made poor judgements, he can't EVEN make his own bed, tidy up his own rental apartment, which he insisted on wanting to move out, even though he is NOT mentally ready emotional, worse still, not financially abled to.

At last, I found him a job at a grocery store and made him get up and go for the interview. He was cranky and agitated and told me off for making him get up so early, hey, 9 AM in the morning is EARLY? Golly, he thinks he is a Celebrity...or even a MODEL, who wont get out of bed unless $$$$$$$$ paid to him?

He worked for 3.5 months. All this time, his mother aka the Chief Creature, his partner in crime, has been calling him many times on the phone, in the middle of the night too. That boy can really sleep at 3am in the morning. Its no wonder he can't get up early the next day, and was cranky all the time.

Phone conversations continued with his mother must have made his decision to move out to an apartment near the college a month earlier. Whose idea? I think its hers. He listens to her faithfully and loyaly like a pet dog, you know what I mean. He worshipped the ground she walks on. He does not listen to his dad, Gene.

Gene tried to reason out with him, telling him that starting the summer semester may be too soon, and Ray is not ready to start, suggested that Ray should start the fall semester.

That boy, can be as stubborn as a mule, insisted and persisted on moving out to an apartment.

We helped him with the move, and paid for the Uhaul to get his stuff out. Cost up a whopping $1,500 plus the shoppings that we did for him, so that he could have ALL set up for him when he moves into the apartment. Gene unpacked and arrange his stuff while I helped to clean the kitchen, bathroom and toilet areas for him. All these things we have done for him, to him is never enough. He idolizes his mother more than his own Dad, when his mother does NOTHING for him. Do you see the logic here?
Love your mother is fine, but not till your love for her is blind.

Marie has done a lot of bad things in her life, including, having an affair for 6 months, with Gene's colleagues. She hurt a lot of people and she dont not care. I called that EVIL, like her son. These kind of people do it for their own agendas and whatever benefits them FIRST.

All these things that we did for him, not his mother...are NOT ENOUGH for him apparently.

Gosh, grrrrow up boy, for goodness sakes!!!

Guess WHO has to PAY for his RENT every month? Did you guessed correctly?
Gene and I. For his college, we bought him a 17" inch laptop complete, with carrying case, for him, we bought him some small appliances, like coffee maker, bread toaster, etc for him to use, PLUS, we have to buy him a month's worth of GROCERIES for him.

We even got him a queen sized bedroom suite with matching closets/wardrobe cabinets, etc...he still does not appreciate it at all. So, what gives???

And where is the mother? Is she not helping? When Gene called her and put her "on the speaker phone" He asked her whether she could chip in the expenses, after all, it is their eldest son, the first one going to college...she broke down and cried on the phone, yup, Mrs Crybaby...said that she has no money to help and she said it is Gene's JOB to do it and not hers.

What to f***!!!!! Gene's JOB, spilled into MY JOB, too??? Hey, I am not Ray biological mother, she is!!!! damn it, fat and evil b**** and adulteress!!!

We got a call from Robbie last night, informing us that he had passed his driving test, he is 16 years old now. Robbie did not want to make a big fuss about it. But, his mother, Marie, insisted that he informed us because she felt that it was "important news".

You know WHY, right? ---- *hint*..*hint* she WANTS us to PAY for Robbie's car and when he gets to college next, we have to PAY AGAIN!!!!

Tell me, I am a Christian, and she is one too...why is she SO EVIL, what type of Christian is she??? Then, what's the point of going to church??? EVIL person shold not pray, she goes but on three times a week, previously she went to church every evenings, dragging the 3 boys with her to pray. Every evenings, does she has a lot of sins she needs to confessed? Not, that woman does not do things like that, she thinks she is PERFECT in everyways, its other people's faults, never hers. Like Mother, Like Son.

Pray??? Why bother, she should be praying to the DEVIL then, not GOD. If only I could ask GOD, what did she prayed so hard about???? Definitely not just about herself, the Jerk and his kids' well being, not her own 3 boys - but mainly, prayed hard that Gene and I break up fast, that I dont give birth and that our marraige wont last long.

I bet you my bottom dollar that she did prayed on that also, and continues to do so on a regular basis.

GOD is great all the time, I know for sure, he wont want to hear her constantly cursing us, etc. She better not do that, if she did it, the saying goes: "What goes arounds, comes around" I believe in KARMA.

Tempted to give her a dressing down on what I personally think of her and her eldest son, then on second thought, I will hold on that thought for now, save it later...heheh

Let me accumulated all of these events/incidents caused by her and her son, and them I will let them have it all one big time.

Not now though, one fine day, I will eventually. Promise.:)

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