Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Its October... more problematic events unfolded....

Yes, indeed, after some peace I thought, was too good to be true...before I knew it October is here...haha.. I thought I can get away with more peace and serenity...NOT...fat chance, especially when it concerns on "you-know-who???!!!" Yeeeap, Marie and Ray AGAIN!!!!!!

These two are born to be natural trouble makers...its either that they are just too evil scheming minded persons, or just, having too much FREE TIME on their hands, nothing better to do, want to CREATE SOMETHING.

Yes, their evil minded deeds continues...Ray called in panic, because he did not know what he SHOULD DO when his car has a flat and??? I thought...what do you want us, meaning your father(Gene) and I to do? Drive the whole 2.5 hours there to go help you change the car tire?

19 years old, male, don't even know how to CHANGE a car tire? Oh for heaven's sake, his mother, Marie called me and displayed the same panic like behavior...LIKE MOTHER...LIKE SON.

Hmmm...she called to complained that her son has a flat tire, and said the she took it upon herself to explain to him step-by-step on how to change a car tire, so, I thought "where the heck are his college friends, aren't there anyone who can help him there and then?"

Surely, there must be at least ONE GOOD SAMARITAN who will help "her precious son" on how to change a tire??!! Jeeez!!!

She, as usual, full of SHIT, no money, as if...when someone tells you out right that they are "flat broke" then the next visit to pick the other 2 boys up, their house was sprouting with new stuff like :-

1) an above ground swimming pool

2) a 42 inch Samsung HDTV

Now who is she trying to kid us that she has NO MONEY. Her infamous words "I dont have the money boo hoo" That woman can cry truck loads of tears, to evoke pity from us, too bad, she dont fool us that easily, the only ones who are fooled into this emotional roller-coaster blackmail style are her 3 sons!

Yes...they are always suckered into her scheming ideas and ways..and also on how she wants to EXTORT MORE money from us, giving the excuses that Ray needs to get this and that, etc along the other two brothers.

We, always send her the money, however, she never produce any proof of purchase receipts to support her "claims" from day 1!

We wondered, and, then, we knew all along where our money went to her and that idiotic husband of hers, the two adulterers. Spent the money on themselves and his two teenage children from his previous marriage to another woman.

She always sends email reminders when Gene's payday is due...reminding Gene or me to transfer her child support money.

Ray, like the mother, has no priorities in life, because he is so used to be told on what to do, how to think, how to move by his mother. Talk about a very manipulative person, that's MARIE for you! That boils down to laziness!

"Stupid is as Stupid Does"

All her boys are beyond redemption, they can't change, they already into her lies too deep till the point when she did something bad, they don't see her do wrong, but blamed us for her mistakes. They have been so very brainwashed and have been poisoned by her lies at a very young age till their teens years now.

Looking outside in - I would not know how to advise nor help them. I only hope that one FINE DAY, they will see their mother's actual TRUE COLORS.

Ray, spent the $80, from Gene, meant to buy a new car tire, on whatever crap he spent on! He kept quiet and did not tell us, until, one afternoon, I received a phone call from a towing company informing us that a car belonging to Ray has been towed to the towing company, we have to pay the towing fees and fine, because Ray left his car parked at a gas station. Probably, the owner of the gas station may have made the call to the towing company.

Guess WHO has to pay for the towing fees? Yeeees, its US again!!! Marie refused to help her own son, when it comes to the financial aspects of it. She PUSHED and PASSED THE BUCK, many times, to us to do the paying NOT HER.

That evil woman and son team, treats Gene like a ATM machine and treats me like a second class citizen because I am a Eurasian(half of it is Asian).

She even has the cheek to tell Ray that it is "your father's job, not mine to pay, cuz I have no money!!!"

Riiiight, no choice, we had to take out money from our retirement savings account to pay for Ray. It cost $378!!!!! We gave Ray $400, because he badly needs a haircut, he has yet to find a job since August 31st 2008.

Who wants to hire someone with damn long greasy hair???!!!!!

He was fired by his last employer because of his mother, WHY? She cried and pressured him to stay for a week visit with her, in fact, he could only take two days off to visit her. The company, at the time, was short-handed, and Ray not around to help them.

When he got back, he was told that he does not have to report for work anymore.
Well, what did the evil bitch do? She did not do anything about it, no apology nothing to her son..she does not care at all, she wants and she jolly well takes it, she does not care at her son's or other people for that matter, even at their expense or misfortune, only if it BENEFITS herself, and not benefit the others!

One word comes to mind immediately with this disgusting behavior...SELFISH!!!

I for one am not the kind that swears vulgarities - but this particular woman DO NOT DESERVE MY RESPECT or EMPATHY AT ALL, she is a SLUT in all counts. The kind that a man can use for a quick "FIX" and disposed of...a cheap skang h**le and a hustler for money. Therefore, I used harsh words to describe her.

The more vulgar the better because it suits her!!!

She called at the house again the next day and the next consecutively 3 days till last evening guess what "ASKING FOR MORE MONEY"

Marie is the most thick-skinned person ever existed...We are already tight with the sudden INCIDENTAL expenses, unexpected some more, she has the gall to call and ask whether we can spare her $20 she claims that she bought stuff for Gene Jr. She said she helped and gave $20 to Ray because he needed extra for a haircut.

Fine - we gave her the $20...but on the side I told Gene my suspicions, we straight away knew that she did not HELP her son at all for any of these unforseen events that he has caused from day 1 at all!!! In fact, she lied big time, when I questioned her, she sounded agitated and was in a hurry to hang up.

So, by actual fact, she did not help Ray by giving him $20, she claimed $20 from us, get it?:) This woman is so pathethic... she ought to be condemned at and from all levels!

MORE to come for sure, so STAY TUNED...thanks!

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